Love you Mum, i thought you not being here would have sunk in by now but it hasn't and i wish you was here so much! I have my interview Monday so i hope your looking out for me and keeping your fingers crossed for me as i know you would be. I know what you would say, just do your best and thats exactly what i will do as there isn't much more i can do than that i just hope its good enough. Mothers day is Sunday and i will be making sure i do something nice for you and i will be thinking about you every second just like every other day i spend without you. I can't tell you how much it hurts to know i will never see you again or how much i wish i could just know my heart is still broken without you and my life will never be the same without you. I miss you every second of every day and i am completely heart broken without you Love you always and forever Nikki xxxxxxxxxxx