jayne Hughes 14th September 2010

Hello My lovely angel,just checking in with you.I miss you my best pal,I feel like my right arm is missing....I think 'I must tell deb' but your not here and that is when the reminder hurts like hell. Well we carried out one of your wishes,it was a very special day,and I am sure we did you proud. I miss you my lovely and will never come to terms with you missing from all our lives.The girls are amazing and brave,as always you will be looking down and smiling. They will always be a reminder of how special you were and always will be.I am off on holiday sunday and you know me I would be jumping for joy,but not this time,I will be going with a heavy heart,I will check in with your girls as I always checked in with you when I was away.Sleep peacefully my angel,I think of you everyday and miss you every passing minute.Night my lovely xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx